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Deleted metadata being restored with scan

two wire

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I have spent hours deleting unwanted metadata. As a part of this, I found a movie folder with the wrong movie title and made the corresponding changes to the folder name. I then tried to change the path parameters to this folder and could not find a way to do this using metadata manager. So, I did a rescan thinking it would find the change and correct the path to this folder. I found, instead, all the changes I had made to the numerous folders were restored to their original state




1. Is it possible to edit the path to folders without a rescan?


2. Is it possible to ignore folders to which changes have been made?



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If an item is mis-identified, you should use the Identify feature to correct it.  You cannot change the path to an item via metadata.  That is informational in that context as we build your library from the physical paths.

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Thanks for the reply. I looked at the Identify feature in the Metadata Manager, but I did not see anything that I thought would allow me to change the path name (Folder name). Is there another Identify feature in a different part of the server app?


Also, any comment on question 2?

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You cannot change the path of an item as that is how we identify it.  If you move an item from one place to another it is equivalent to deleting and re-adding it.


You said an item was mis-identified because the folder name was not correct.  You can correct this situation without changing the folder name by using the identify feature.  Once you've done that, the folder name is irrelevant.

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