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Naming of disc image files?


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I am looking at converting my movie metadata into XBMC (Kodi) format to make it more portable. For a test I created a test movie share added one movie which had the metadata created in meta <browser/> in XBMC format. The DVD disc image was named movie_name (year)-disc.png which matched the movie file name with -disc added at the end.


I set MediaBrowser server to use XBMC format as priority. It picks up the NOF file, background and poster images OK but ignores the disc image. If I rename movie_name (year)-disc.png to just disc.png it works.


Is this a glitch in how MediaBrowser is reading the metadata for the disc image or is the filename format  movie_name (year)-disc.png wrong for true XBMC support?


Many thanks

Edited by GhostRider
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Any thoughts on this query please?


I have stopped adding new movies to my collection as I am unsure if this is a valid approach.


movie_name (year)-disc.png seems valid to me but Media Browser Server is not seeing these disc art images.

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I use meta<browser/> to obtain my metadata. in "XBMC mode" all art files get named after the movie filename plus an -extension. Media Browser finds the fanart in the main folder and the extra ones in the extrafanart folder. Media Browswer ignores the disc art when named movie_name (year)-disc.png. If I rename it just disc.png Media Browser sees it but this does not seem right as it is using a different file naming convention.


A sample folder contents is as follows. Media Browser added the movie.xml file. The rest are as created by meta<browser/>.


Can you advise if movie_name (year)-disc.png can be supported in Media Browser?




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I should have said movie name (year)-disc.png not movie_name (year)-disc.png. Just noticed I made a mistake in that I used an underscore rather than a space in my first post.


I have ordered several DVDs from Amazon's sale so keen to understand if this meta data naming format is supported in Media Browser.

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I have just updated to Server version 3.0.5445.5. I am still unable to see the disc art work when named in the "XBMC" style by meta <browser/> as movie name (year)-disc.png


meta <browser/> is configured to name the movie folder as movie name (year) so it uses this as the stem name for all images.


Is this naming convention something Media Browser will support in the future? I am keen to understand either way so I can add more movies to my collection.

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