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TV Series in Folders (cover art boxset?)


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I have the following folder set up for TV series.


TV Series

---- Arrow

------- Season 1


---- Star Trek Tv series

------- Star trek DS9

----------- Season 1

------- Star trek TNG

----------- Season 1


Now awhile ago this use to work great and cover art would pick up all the start trek tv series folders and create a nice image for the top level ( I used the [boxset] directive in the folder name).


Now it doesn't work, probably because of the continued updates,  how can I get this back to working?


(when i now use boxset directive, it decides to download stuff about the latest movies and creates a movie collection)

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We're going to need some more info on what is actually happening and how that is different from what you expect.  The [boxset] tag is for defining a collection but we have pretty much un-documented that feature in favor of the facility that is built right into the web client and auto box set plug-in.


I'm not really sure what is going to happen if you try to create a manual box set of TV series.

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I am using the client in media center.  I have a TV icon that when clicked list all the series I have.  The [boxset] addition allowed the icon for 'Star Trek' to be controlled by CoverArt plugin and would display a 'Stack' of all the Star Trek Tv series under its folder.  There also used to be a way with in the meta editor to tell mediabrowser what type of folder it was (this has been removed disappointingly)

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Remove the [boxset] tag as that is probably confusing things and is not really what you want.  If you just want CA to create a treatment for that folder, set the appropriate treatment style for "Folders" in that profile.

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Hi - This is what I have been attempting to do, however CA just seems to ignore it and I cannot get it create the 'Stack' style or any style of images.

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Did you remove the [boxset] tag from the file/folder name and re-scan your library?  Also, if there is a collection.xml file in that folder, you'll need to delete that.

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Is there a primary image in the folder (folder or poster.jpg)?  There would need to be one in order for CoverArt to do anything.

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Thats seems to have done the trick.  All my sub dirs had folders.jpg in them and it worked before without the root having anything.  I have a added a fake folder.jpg into the root folder and CA is now creating the stack images :-)

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