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Prevent screen saver from starting


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If i'm right, currently screen saver starts even if MBT is open, hiding the beautiful screen saver integrated into MBT. Could you please prevent it from starting?

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I just disable the Windows screensaver anyway - no idea what purpose it's supposed to serve these days.


The MBT screensaver on the other hand is great - several times we have seen a movie and thought "oh, we must watch that!"

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It's because I want to get the MBT screensaver activated even if I forget to launch MBT.


So I use a screensaver program launcher starting on 2 minutes inactivity and launching mediabrowser theatre. So if I let my windows on desktop or on start screen (windows 8), it Will launch MBT!


The problem is when MBT is already launched, it's a big mess because it launch MBT already running... And it's really anoying if i want to read long text into 2 minutes...


So this feature would be really useful!

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Ok guys solved my problem meanwhile this feature is implemented...


I've used eventghost. I put two events :

1) When Mediabrowser starts, I place a Python script deactivating screensaver, preventing my screensaver launcher to relaunch MBT

2) When Mediabrowser ends, I place a Python script activating screensaver, allowing my screensaver to launch MBT.



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Wish I knew how to write python scripts. I used event ghost for awhile but couldn't get it bullet proof. If I could write python scripts im sure I could make it a lot better.


Can u share the scripts?

Edited by A8HTPC
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Ok here we are :




You need to add two Events :

- When process MediaBrowser is Created : Containing a Python Script with the code you can see on the top right windows. To copy/Paste :


import win32gui, win32con


- When process MediaBrowser is Destroyed and Main.Init is raised : Containing a Python Script with the code you can see on the top right windows, but on line 3, you need to change the second parameter from FALSE to TRUE. To copy/paste :


import win32gui, win32con


Why on Main.Init? Because if for any problems (PC Crash, Windows Blue screen followed by a reboot...) and the event process destroyed of MediaBrowser is not raised, your ScreenSaver won't be reactivated. So on the next boot of your PC the Event Main.Init coming for EventGhost app launching is raised and you're sure that the Screensaver is always reactivated!


Hope this helped!

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