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Media browser theater websocket corrupting data


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I captured the following set of web socket communications using wireshark. This was done so I could understand exactly what was being sent back and forth to start playing a audio file and then stop playing the file.


I noticed that media browser theater appears to be sprinkling in \'s in it's unmasked text. The following was copied from wireshark and illustrates the potential problem! I guess it's possible wireshark did this, but the \ is only inserted in the masked messages coming from mbt! If it helps reproduce the problem I was using a browser interface to command the playback to start and stop in mbt.


1625 server to client
1939 client to server

2552 client to server
2554 websocket server sending playstate stop
2555 websockect client reporting playback stopped
2556 websocket server
    {"MessageType":"PlaybackStopped","Data":{"SupportedCommands":["MoveUp","MoveDown","MoveLeft","MoveRight","PageUp","PageDown","PreviousLetter","NextLetter","ToggleOsd","ToggleContextMenu","Select","Back","TakeScreenshot","SendKey","SendString","GoHome","GoToSettings","VolumeUp","VolumeDown","Mute","Unmute","ToggleMute","SetVolume","SetAudioStreamIndex","SetSubtitleStreamIndex","ToggleFullscreen","DisplayContent","GoToSearch","DisplayMessage"],"QueueableMediaTypes":["Audio"],"PlayableMediaTypes":["Audio","Video","Game","Photo","Book"],"Id":"0d42b24ddd094de5b7f0b1b2bd592309","UserId":"cda350792d5539b21f60cb845934ead3","UserName":"Don","AdditionalUsers":[],"ApplicationVersion":"3.0.5345.17016","Client":"Media Browser Theater","LastActivityDate":"2014-08-25T15:53:05.0276405Z","NowViewingItem":{"Name":"Media Folders","Id":"1d9c646355383f9be560060f42d12a3d","Type":"UserRootFolder","Artists":[],"MediaStreams":[],"Chapters":[]},"DeviceName":"DONSHPLAPTOP","DeviceId":"DONSHPLAPTOP","SupportsRemoteControl":true,
2558 websocket server continuation
2560 websocket server

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Luke, I discovered that you MUST put the \'s in front of every " for the server to respond properly to ReportPlaybackStart,ReportPlaybackProgress,ReportPlaybackStopped websocket messages!


I am not a json expert but that doesn not look properly  formatted to me. Is that correct?

I assume their is a bug in the json parser in the server, which is why media browser theater did this?


Because I had to put in the \'s if you ever fix this then probably my client and others will also have to be fixed?


Just so I know does this extra \ before every " apply to any json messages sent to the server, or just these three?


And no I wasn't looking for a problem, but I obviously found one and was just trying to be helpful.


Anyone else who writes a client NOT based on your C# classes is going to run into this same problem!

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